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Do You Hate Needles?

Posted on September 27th, 2020

Do you hate needles?If you fear shots, injections, or medical needles in general, you may be suffering from trypanophobia—and an estimated 10 percent of Americans share the same aversion. The general public calls it “needle phobia” but the DSM-IV classified it as a specific phobia of medical needles as of 1994. 

Drs. Michael & Blake Louscher understands these fears, and Lush Family Dental treats patients dealing with them every day. We do everything we can to keep your dental treatment as comfortable and stress-free as possible, but it’s good to be aware of needle phobia and its effects.

Negative Effects of Needle Phobia

  • Dreading medical care, especially shots and injections
  • High blood pressure, elevated heart rate, anxiety
  • Extremely low blood pressure, fainting
  • Avoiding the dentist to avoid possible injections, even routine checkups

Causes of Needle Phobia

The short answer: scientists aren’t sure. It does seem to be inherited—about 80% of sufferers have a close relative with the same phobia. It is possible, however, that it is a learned fear rather than a genetic one. Some evolutionary psychologists maintain the fear may be rooted in survival before antibiotics, when puncture wounds could be deadly, concluding fear of puncturing the skin was an evolutionary adaptation. 

Treatments for Needle Phobia

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has proven an effective treatment for phobia, as have exposure therapies like systematic desensitization or therapy involving hypnosis. Many dentists offer “painless injections”, and if you’re really having trouble relaxing, ask Drs. Michael & Blake Louscher about sedation dentistry options.

Your Waukee dental team will do everything we can to help you overcome any dental anxiety or fears. Get in touch with us today and we’ll talk you through it!

The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

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