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Professional Dental Cleanings Make a Big Difference

Posted on August 13th, 2024

Waukee dentists at Lush Family Dental talk about the big difference professional cleanings make when it comes to the health and beauty of your smile.You’ve been hearing it for years – “Make sure to visit Lush Family Dental twice a year for your regular cleanings.” Just in case you’ve ever wondered why regular dental cleanings are so important, Lush Family Dental would like to take this opportunity to let Waukee residents in on some information you don’t often hear. Let this article serve as your guide to the benefits of getting your teeth cleaned.

Why You Should Get Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned

Unfortunately, some folks believe that visiting the dentist is unnecessary as long as you brush and floss regularly. That just isn’t the case. In addition to keeping your teeth clean and healthy, regular visits to our hygienists ensure that we can have a good look at your pearly whites and make sure nothing is wrong. If you don’t come in for cleanings, you’ll only need more expensive work later in life.

Here are a few reasons to get your teeth cleaned:

  • Tartar – We’ve all heard of plaque, but what about tartar? And no, not like the sauce. Tartar is the grown-up version of plaque. In other words, plaque becomes harder as it builds up and eventually turns into tartar. It is difficult for the average person to remove on their own, but dental cleanings can give you tartar-free teeth! 
  • Gum Disease – Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss. When plaque and tartar buildup on teeth, they begin irritating gums and cause an infection that separates gums from teeth. Left unchecked, gum disease can be a serious, damaging, and painful condition. However, regular cleanings help keep gum disease at bay and give Lush Family dentists a chance to treat problems before they become serious.
  • Bright Smiles – Drinking tea, coffee, and using tobacco are just a few habits that can stain your teeth. However, our hygienists at Lush Family Dental can remove many of these stains during a simple cleaning. On top of that, every cleaning ends with a polishing that will leave you with a whiter, healthier smile.
  • Dental Benefits – If you have dental insurance, but don’t visit Lush Family Dental for your regular cleanings, you are missing out on your benefits! Almost all dental insurance providers allow for two cleanings per year, free of charge. There’s no reason to let your insurance go to waste.

Now you know why it’s so important to have your teeth cleaned. If you have any questions or find that you are suddenly inspired to visit Lush Family Dental for a cleaning, feel free to give us a call!

The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.


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